321 research outputs found

    Contributions to Higher Engineering Education

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    Recensão crítica da obra de Nascimento, M. M., Alves, G. R., & Morais, E. (Eds.). (2018). Contributions to Higher Engineering Education. Springer Singapore, 158 p

    O primeiro contacto com as narrações multimodais no âmbito de um curso de profissionalização docente em contexto on-line

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    Relatamos a exploração da Narração Multimodal (NM) enquanto instrumento em contexto on-line, na Universidade Aberta, durante o curso de profissionalização em serviço de docentes do ensino básico e secundário para o grupo de recrutamento 550 (Informática, Ministério da Educação da República Portuguesa), na unidade curricular Seminário de Prática Pedagógica. Das várias tarefas solicitadas aos formandos, a exploração de NM ocorreu nos 3.º, 4.º e 6.º tópicos de aprendizagem. Neste capítulo apresentamos os aspetos que apresentaram maiores fragilidades e os que foram corretamente executados antes e após feedback, no 1.º contacto com a NM (que ocorreu no 3.º tópico). O 1.º contacto com as NM revelou-se desafiante para os formandos, tanto na sua execução inicial como na melhoria das fragilidades identificadas. De quatro categorias analisadas, verificou-se que a maior incidência de fragilidades ocorreu nas categorias referentes aos aspetos que enriquecem a NM. Nas categorias referentes à estrutura e às características da NM, apesar de terem apresentado vários tipos de fragilidades, as NM foram concluídas com êxito, após colmatadas e resolvidas as fragilidades por recurso a feedback. Recomenda-se que em futuras abordagens haja adaptação dos materiais e de práticas de apoio pedagógico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A strategy to support engineering education teaching staff monitoring students' learning process: metacognitive challenges

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    It is increasingly required that Engineering Education courses include activities that promote the development of cognitive skills, such as metacognition. However, including such activities is challenging for lecturers, particularly in Distance Learning contexts. It is also complex, when working online, for teaching staff to carry out monitoring of the metacognitive learning processes of students, understand their difficulties, and provide formative feedback. In this work, we present the design and discussion of a pedagogical strategy: Metacognitive Challenges (MC), which allows lecturers to monitor the evolution of students' perceptions regarding their learning process We discuss how lecturers can use MCs for formative assessment and how to weave this intervention with individual students or groups. The Design Science Research methodology was adopted for the design, implementation, and demonstration of MCs, applied in a Software Engineering course within a distance learning Informatics Engineering undergraduate programme. We exemplify how MCs have the potential to support monitoring of students' cognitive and metacognitive processes and offer a set of guidelines on how the teaching staff can use them. In future work, we intend to evaluate the effectiveness of MCs in different teaching contexts, and develop technological solutions that facilitate the monitoring process (reduce the time and effort required for analysis of MC content).This work was financially supported by National Funds through FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., and CIDTFF (UIDB/00194/2020) - Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, via Stimulus of Scientific Employment CEECIND/00986/2017 Individual Support 2017, and via project PTDC/CED-EDG/30040/2017. We would also like to thank all students and teachers who collaborated on this research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Instructional design models for immersive virtual reality: a systematic literature review

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    The emergence of accessible virtual reality headsets in the past decade multiplied educational uses of immersive virtual reality. Higher education, in particular, has seen many such reports emerge. However, there are scarce frameworks for higher education professionals to plan and deploy immersive virtual reality within their pedagogical practice. To attain a perspective on this field, we conducted a systematic literature review using SCOPUS search, focusing on Instructional Design Models for Immersive Virtual Reality in online Higher Education. This review aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of these models, their respective phases, and distinctive characteristics. The review identified two categories of Instructional Design Models for Immersive Virtual Reality in Higher Education: 1) Models specific to such contexts, with aspects such as managing immersion time or providing prior contact with the immersive environment; 2) Models developed for other contexts and adapted to immersive virtual reality, addressing aspects such as the importance of creating objectives, assessment elements, or defining resource purpose. We conclude that current instructional models used for immersive virtual reality in higher education lack the combination of the overall pedagogical concerns with the specific ones for immersive virtual reality. Thus, we recommend further research to develop instruction models that combine both aspects of learning design concerns.This work was funded by the European Commission, under project REVEALING – Realisation of Virtual reality Learning environments (VRLEs) for Higher Education – Erasmus+ / Cooperation Partnerships 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032098. We also extend our thanks to all collaborators and partners involved. D. Pedrosa expresses gratitude to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and CIDTFF for their support under the Scientific Employment Stimulus 2017, within the framework of project CEECIND/00986/2017, as well as project UID/CED/00194/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Immersive learning environments for delf-regulation of learning: a literature review

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    Self-regulation of learning (SRL) plays a decisive role in learning success but characterizing learning environments that facilitate development of SRL skills constitutes a great challenge. Given the growing interest in Immersive Learning Environments (ILE), we sought to understand how ILE are built with attention to SRL, via a literature review of pedagogical uses, practices and strategies with ILE that have an explicit focus on SRL. From a final corpus of 25 papers, we collected 134 extracts attesting use of ILE for SRL. We classified and mapped them using the Beck, Morgado & O’Shea framework and its three dimensions of the immersion phenomenon: system, narrative and challenge. There is a predominance of uses of ILE for SRL aligned with Challenge-based immersion: Skill Training, Collaboration, Engagement, and Interactive Manipulation and Exploration. In contrast, uses aligned with System-based immersion (Emphasis, Accessibility, Seeing the Invisible) were not identified. There were few cases of use of Narrative-based immersion. Uses combining the three dimensions of immersive had residual prevalence. We concluded that there is greater tendency in studies of SRL in ILE to enact active roles (aligned with the Challenge dimension of immersion). The low prevalence of Narrative immersion and System immersion evidence gaps in the diversity of pedagogical uses of ILE to develop SRL, which indicate opportunities for research and creation of innovative educational practices.N/

    SCReLProg (Self and Co-regulation in e-Learning of Computer Programming) data management plan

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    There is a shortage and a growing need for skilled professionals in computer science. Students show difficulties in learning computer programming in higher education, particularly in the transition from initial programming to advanced programming, so it's necessary to develop effective teaching strategies. The challenges are even greater in distance education, because it requires students to have greater discipline, autonomy, and self-regulation and coregulation skills to successfully complete the course. We develop a pedagogical approach (SimProgramming) that showed promising results in the face-to-face context, helping students to overcome programming difficulties and contributing to develop effective strategies for self and co-regulation of learning. This project aims to adapt and develop this approach in the context of e-learning, to study how it influences the learning of programming and the strategies of self-regulation and co-regulation of learning used by the students.N/

    Housing conditions versus fall in the ederly: Rehabilitation nursing

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    A enfermagem de reabilitação tem um novo desafio quando refletimos sobre os dados de saúde atuais, nomeadamente o envelhecimento da população. Em Portugal há um aumento exponencial da população idosa em todas as regiões do país, podendo passar dos atuais 2,1 milhões para os 3,3 milhões. Face às condições epidemiológicas das pessoas idosas deparamo-nos com novas exigências de cuidados para fazer face a fenómenos com mais incidência, como as quedas. Torna-se importante estudar as condições individuais, psicológicas, sociais e ambientais para compreender o aumento deste evento. Sabendo que a queda pode ocorrer por uma multiplicidade de fatores envolvidos, fomos compreender o evento de queda em idosos a viver em contexto familiar. Pretendemos analisar as condições habitacionais dos idosos e as circunstâncias em que ocorre o evento queda, integrando para isso o projeto +Saúde Famalicão, em desenvolvimento na Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP). A partir de um universo de 2461 idosos do Município de Vila nova de Famalicão, desenvolvemos um estudo de carácter descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de 661 casos, obtida a partir do critério de inclusão de ter registado pelo menos um evento de queda no último ano. A colheita de dados foi realizada através de um questionário. A amostra é predominantemente do sexo feminino (76,2%), com idade compreendida entre os 70 e 79 anos (40,7%), sem escolaridade (56,1%), casados (51,0%) e cujo agregado é composto por 2 elementos (44,5%). Ao analisarmos o evento de queda verificamos que: os idosos habitam em casa própria (17,9%) e vivendas (12,1%); partilham o quarto (13,8%); apresentam mais de 5 degraus como acesso à habitação (13%); a habitação é composta por mais de 4 divisões (11,6%); relatam não ter recebido informação sobre a disposição do mobiliário na casa (13,8%), uso de tapete antiderrapante na banheiro/polibã (11,4%) e uso de acessórios de segurança na casa de banho (12,8%). Através dos dados apresentados infere-se uma falta de informação por parte dos idosos sobre medidas preventivas, assim como uma necessidade de reajustamento da sua casa. Emerge assim a necessidade de uma reflexão sobre a correta implementação e posterior efetividade dos conjuntos de medidas preventivas de quedas existente em Portugal

    A partilha do leite: reciprocidade, circuitos alimentares e socialidade em uma comunidade rural de Minas Gerais

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    This thesis is based on the ritual of milk donation on Good Friday in the rural community of Conceição do Formoso, a district in the municipality of Santos Dumont, MG. By addressing the milk donation circuit, I emphasize how the production of social and symbolic relationships, crucial for the construction and maintenance of bonds of trust and affection, is promoted through the circulation of this food. It is around milk that people gather, whether on their way to the fields, in conversations with the milkmen, or in activities involving food preparation in the kitchen. In this study, I adopted a qualitative methodological approach, aiming to understand in-depth and contextualize the milk donation circuit during Holy Week celebrations and its connection with the community's social, economic, and cultural dynamics. To collect the necessary data, I employed a variety of techniques, including informal conversations, participant and non-participant observation. The work is composed of three chapters that provide a historical overview of non-human milk consumption and its derivatives in the region, delving into the transformations that this food undergoes in the kitchens and how it circulates within the district. The research also examines the adversities I encountered while conducting fieldwork, influenced by the family relationships I have with the district's members.Esta tese tem como ponto de partida o ritual de doação de leite na Sexta-feira da Paixão na comunidade rural de Conceição do Formoso, distrito no município de Santos Dumont, MG. Ao tratar do circuito de doação do leite ressalto como a produção de relações sociais e simbólicas, cruciais para a construção e manutenção dos laços de confiança e afetividade, são promovidas pela circulação deste alimento. É em torno do leite que as pessoas circulam, seja nos caminhos até a roça, nas conversas com os retireiros ou nas atividades que envolvem a preparação de alimentos na cozinha. Neste estudo, adotei uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, com o objetivo de compreender de forma aprofundada e contextualizada o circuito de doação do leite nas celebrações da Semana Santa e sua conexão com as dinâmicas sociais, econômicas e culturais da comunidade. Para coletar os dados necessários, utilizei uma variedade de técnicas, incluindo conversas informais, observação participante e não participante. O trabalho é composto por três capítulos que fornecem um panorama histórico do consumo de leite não humano e seus derivados na região, perpassando sobre as transformações que esse alimento sofre nas cozinhas e a forma que circula dentro do distrito. A pesquisa versa ainda sobre as adversidades que encontrei ao realizar o trabalho de campo, influenciadas pelas relações familiares que possuo com os membros do distrito.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Self-regulated learning in higher education : strategies adopted by computer programming students

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    Trabalho apresentado em PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)To help students overcome their learning difficulties in the transition from entry-level to advanced computer programming, developing an appropriate set of learning strategies, the SimProgramming teaching approach has been adopted at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal). This approach is based on four conceptual foundations: businesslike learning environment, self-regulated learning, co-regulated learning, and formative assessment. In this approach the students develop an activity based on problem-based learning, with a specific set of tasks based on those four conceptual foundations. The approach was implemented in two courses from the second and third curricular years of the bachelor programmes in Informatics Engineering and Information & Communication Technologies. We conducted semi-structured interviews with students (n=32) at the end of the courses, to try to identify the students’ strategies for self-regulation of learning in the activity developed within the SimProgramming approach. The main strategies identified were: organization, planning, time management, identification of difficulties, resolution of the difficulties encountered, work review, identification of the factors that influenced their motivation, and structure of the environment. The factors influencing the motivation most often identified by students were the impact of the assessment in the final course grade, the completion of the course, learning, skills development, and teamwork. Generally, students applied strategies to solve the difficulties, in particular by searching for social help and information search. Procrastination was also often identified by students. Strategies of time management, transformation of information, in-depth review, self-reflection, and self-evaluation were referenced scantily. We found that students changed some of their strategies from one course edition to the next. We conclude by recommending the development of educational practices to help students review their work, treat and process the information they find, conduct self-reflection and self-evaluation of their performance during tasks, adopt concentration strategies, and become aware of their specific difficulties
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